Sunday, April 29, 2018

#52 -- Guess That Means We've Been Here a Year๐ŸŽ‰

This week started out like the last 5 or 6, with our p-day.  We made our usual trip to Casper, did our usual shopping, etc.  However,  we went to see the doctor for Elder Smart's hands.  Seems that they are continually numb.  Much to our surprise the doctor recommended a cortisone shot to see if it made a difference before doing any surgery for carpal tunnel.  We won't know the final outcome for a couple of months.

One Shot Hand

Tuesday we saw our first of many scheduled school groups who visit the site for history purposes.  We probably have about 15 - 20 school groups coming, ranging in size from 25 to 75.  Sister Smart takes requests from teachers and is in charge of scheduling.  

School Missionaries Plus Another Visiting Family

On the same day we also had the opportunity of helping with a highway pickup.  It turned quite cool in the afternoon, so some of the pickers were in fairly heavy coats.  Most of them also had plastic gloves and orange bags.  You can never tell what you might pick up -- car parts from crashes, animal carcases, bottles with lots of stuff in them, etc.๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Sister Smart on the Left

On Wednesday, another group of missionaries arrived. They got Thursday off to get squared away.  Friday was training for them and we were involved in orienting them to the Visitors' Center.  

First Aid training was the subject of the day on Thursday.  

Sister Smart has a good heart and has recently begun inviting the missionary couple who serves late in the Visitors' Center to come to our home for dinner.  This means that after they lock up the Visitors' Center, they don't have to travel home and fix a late meal.  They can come to our place and have their meal.  Good thinking!  This weeks "victims" were the Gillilands from Ft. Collins, CO. and President and Sister Pace.

We had guests today for primary and Sister Smart got the opportunity to do her thing as the new Primary President.  She also had two counselors called today so now she has some official help.

Well time to sign off.  Before we do, we want to say what an amazing year it has been.  We are so blessed to be here in this special place.  It is such a privilege to serve the Lord in this capacity.  We anticipate the next few months whizzing by.

Please remember our love for each of you,๐Ÿ’“

Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Sister and Elder Smart, Annie and Paul

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Time is Starting to Fly Again #51

We are still busy training the new missionaries and preparing for summer visitors and youth treks.  The missionaries at Martin's Cove had our own trek this week.  Sister Smart and Sister Crist were asked to manage handcart parking.  We were joined by Sister Honey as well. This is where the trek comes for lunch and to park their handcarts while they go up and around the cove.  Our job was to make sure that the picnic tables did not have any wonderful droppings on them  and  make sure the bathrooms were open and ready and prepare the space for the trek to park their handcarts.  We welcomed the missionary trekkers.  After lunch the trek continued up to the cove.  Sister Smart then joined the trek and walked up to the cove and back to the homestead with them.  It was only 3 miles for her, while the other missionaries walked 5 miles.  It was great to be back on a trek.  

The Spirit is always present in Martin's Cove.

The picture  below is a selfie took by Sister Smart while they were waiting for base approval to ride up to handcart parking unseen by any trekkers. 

Waiting for the "Coast is Clear" From Base.

Sister Smart on the Trail

Missionary Trekkers at Daniel Jones Amphitheater

Trek Hosts Were Elder and Sister Taylor

 Below is a picture of the two handcarts pulled and pushed by the missionaries.

Handcarts for Missionary Trek

Missionary Trekkers with Marin's Cove Behind
Elder Criddle had hoped to be able to walk to the cove, but he has knee problems and was not able to make it.  After everyone was back and heading home, Elder Smart could feel Elder Criddle's disappointment and volunteered to drive Elder and Sister Criddle to the top of the Cove going the back ways in the rover.

At the Top of Martin's Cove

Elder and Sister Criddle on Top of Martin's Cove

Oh Thursday Our FM (field Maintenance) was changed.  This is the guy that decides what work needs to be done and makes assignments to work crew missionaries to get it done.  Elder and Sister Crist are going home on May 1st.  They had a family emergency last summer and left.  When they came back they were given a new release date and are finished May 1st.  Elder and Sister Sigmon are now taking over the responsibility.

Elder Crist crowned the New Sheriff, Elder Sigmon

Sister Crist, Sister Sigmon, Elder Sigmon, Elder Crist
The Old FM and the New FM

Saturday  our district took off a little early and set out on an adventure.  We traveled to Alcova and had ice cream.  Ice cream does not get any better than what Alcova general store sells.  We then went almost to Casper and turned off to follow the pioneer trail around Bessemer Bend.  The Oregon Trail, Pony Express Trail, California trail and the Mormon Trail all walked this route.  This is where the Martin Company waded in snow for 10 miles to camp in Bessemer Bend after their tragic last crossing of the North Platte River.  It took them 4 days to travel the 10 miles.  They were suffering frost bite and famine.  Most had given up at this spot and had consoled themselves to camp and die.  This camp is where the rescue riders found them and let them know help was close.  It gave them enough hope to get up and walk again to meet the wagons.  Grease Wood Creek is where they met the wagons.

This is Greasewood Creek,
Now Known as, Horse Creek

Before reaching the rescue wagons at Greasewood Creek they had to climb a very steep Prospect Mountain.  We rode to the top and walked to where we could see the trails on the mountain.  Sister Smart felt empathy and love as she pictured her 3rd Great Grandmother, Mary Ann Fenn Bird pulling her handcart up that hill with her 4 small children,

We had a baby shower for our cowboy's wife this week.  The cowboy is the one that takes care of the cattle on the church ranch here.  He is a full time church employee,  They have been married a little less than two years and this is their first baby.  It was fun for all the sister missionaries join together and give her a baby shower.  Sister Smart had fun collecting money for a group gift and then going shopping from Kyra's Target registry.

Kyra Jorgensen's Baby Shower

We love all of you and we want you to know that we are so grateful to be serving the Lord here.  We know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the way to happiness.

Grandpa and Grandma Smart, Mom and Dad, Paul and Annie, Elder and Sister Smart

Happy Birthday this week to Emyli


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Busy, Busy #50

It seems like we have been so busy this week with so many different things, but maybe it's just all the training efforts with all the new missionaries.  

One thing that we take great pride in is this picture taken by Elder Honey.  It has a statue in front showing people from the handcarts being taken into heaven.  Behind the statue is a board showing families that were in the Willie Handcart Company.  The reason this is such a great picture is because the family on the board on the left is Sister Smart's direct line ancestors, the James family. 

Visitors' Center Picture - James Family

One night we were watching the news and thought it interesting that they describe the wind around here by where your garbage can might end up.  On this day it was likely to end up in the "Neighbor's Yard".

For our family home evening this week, we reviewed square dancing techniques.  These folks are doing the Virginia Reel.  You might be able to pick out Sister Smart on the right in the rear.

Virginia Reel

Tuesday morning we were asked to train missionaries on running the Visitors' Center.  Since the Smarts are supervising the Center, we got to do most of the training.

Elder Smart has Captive Audience

On another day our district got together and toured the Martin Cove site.  We took two rovers and went all over the place.  We ended up at the Devil's Gate where we took a picture of the people in our district.

From L-R: Sis. Smart, Honey's, Lewis', Criddle's

Friday night we had two other couples over for Hawaiian Haystacks.  It turned out to be a nice event.

Ward's, Taylor's, Smart's

Well, we're tired of writing, even we love sharing with all of you.  So, we'll end with congratulating Carter on getting his learner's permit (if you're in Vegas watch out!) and sending our condolences to Kathie on the occasion of her broken arm๐Ÿ˜ฆ.

Our mission is such a blessing to us and we hope, to you our friends and family.

We love you all and pray the Lord's choicest blessings might be yours.

Sister & Elder Smart, Grandma & grandpa, mom & dad, Annie & Paul 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

#49 Busy But No Earthquakes to Report (only wind)

It was a good week but nothing new to share or report.  Elder Smart has to be careful as he walks because he has lost so much feeling in his legs that he could fall if he doesn't.  He is doing well at staying upright.

It is different than it was this winter.  So many missionaries running around and so many missionaries trying to learn their way.  We enjoying helping to show them around and helping them to learn the ropes

We do love the Lord and serving him.  We have been blessed by serving and we are hoping that our children can feel some of those blessing going their way.

Conference was a very spiritual experience this last weekend.  We felt the Lord telling us all to get ready for the storm.  If you did not feel this then you probably slept through  more than we did.   This was emphasized both temporarily and spiritually.  The Spirit spoke volumes to us when President Nelson said we would not be able to make it through the trials ahead if we do not have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost also known as  personal revelation.  We have all been warned to read the Book of Mormon daily and pray with real intent to find out what we need to personally do to be prepared and then act upon the answer.

We testify that this is Christ's church and he loves all his children, that means you!

Granpa and Grandma, Mom and Dad, Paul and Annie, Elder and Sister Smart

Elder Smart Preparing a Blog

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Reinforcements Have Arrived! #48

Weeks seem to go by so quickly.  One of the best parts of this week was the arrival of our first year missionaries.  They arrived on Wednesday to the amount of 12 couples.  Most of them took Thursday to acquaint themselves with Casper and to pick up some necessities so they could function.  They were in training all day on Friday and we were part of it.  We have been asked to oversea what goes on in the visitors' center and we were asked to show the new missionaries what goes on in it.

New Missionary Training

Monday was our usual p-day.  We say usual but Elder Smart had a doctor's appointment to check out his hands and feet.  They are constantly numb.  Anyway, they poked him and stuck him, and shocked him, and determined that he had some issues that will be dealt with in the future.

Getting Checked Out

One of the great high lights of this week was General Conference.  It was special because of the messages, special because it was conference, and special because we are in the middle of nowhere and yet we were able to have this blessing.

Conference at Our Chapel

We love the privilege of serving.  We know the gospel is true.  We are privileged to share this message with visitors that come here and others we come in contact with.

Guess that's it for this week.

Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Sister and Elder Smart, Annie and Paul

ps  We don't want to forget our family birthdays -- Alayna (3rd), Tanner (4th)๐ŸŽ‚