Sunday, September 10, 2017

Settling In Week, # 19

Back to work on Monday.  Both of us used the day to catch up on our assignments in the office. Sister Smart "snuck" in some time to get things put away in our new apartment.


Living Room

Computer Corner

We had the privilege of doing Ra Ra duty on Tuesday.  It takes half of the time it used to because all of the trek restrooms are now closed.  We were finished by noon and so we spent the rest of the day working in the office.

All week we had a horrible smell in the car when we turned on the air conditioner.  It started at Rock Creek Hollow.  Of coarse we expected a rodent of some kind.  We could not see anything in the engine or car.  It was suggested that we check the filter behind the glove compartment.  Sure enough the culprit was found.

Mouse Droppings & Nest Materials in the Filter
(Looks Worse if You Enlarge It)

On Wednesday we were off to Casper to make a mission deposit and to take the 2017 Wyoming Mormon Trail Mission year book, put together by us, to the printers.  It turned out to be an awesome book.  We grabbed a few groceries while we were there so that we did not have to travel on our P day. We hurried back to make it in time for our afternoon visitors' center shift.

Friday we helped with the training of  leaders for next years treks.  Many of them choose to camp out on our lawns to be ready for the 8:00 start time.

Tent City at the Trek Staging Area

Elder Smart and Sister Smart ran the video and sound system for the training.  We also did our Patience Loader vinyette for the leaders.

Saturday was P day.  We stayed home and put up blinds, fixed doors and went back to the old trailer for a final clean up.  (Almost left the "Smart" sign, Aaron)

Saturday night was Elder Smart's time to enjoy (?) the BYU/UofU game.  There is a satellite dish in the Gathering Room for missionaries to enjoy.

Elder Smart and Elder Schow Watching the Game

Sunday morning we found a friendly visitor in our kitchen.  Oh the joys of living in the middle of nowhere!


Sunday was our turn to be in the Visitors' Center during Church.  We were given the Sacrament before our shift started.  What a pleasant surprise.

Elder Smart ran into two of his fellow  Family History Department employees on their way home from serving missions in Nauvoo -- Sister Dawn Hole and Sister Debbie Latimer.

Coworkers Sister Lattimer and Sister Hole

We want you all to know that we have a testimony of this Church and of Jesus Christ.  We know he loves us and knows all about us.  He also loves you and knows your every thought.  We are grateful to be here where we can feel the Spirit of our Savior 24/7, if we just do what we know we should. We are also grateful for specific blessings witnessed in the lives of Jessilyn and Elly Stagg!  What a blessing!


Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Paul and Annie, Elder and Sister Smart

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