Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving Week #30

The Smart's surely do hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. 🦃🦃  Ours was pretty good considering we didn't have any family around.  Guess it makes us appreciate ou family a whole lot more.  

Our Thanksgiving day started out with our sleeping in.  Sister Smart was the first one up.  She was busy fixing our contribution to the dinner with the missionaries and Pres and Sis Pace's family.  We watched a couple of Hallmark Christmas movies and then, about 2:00 pm we all gathered for the feast.  

Sitting Down for Dinner - Empty Plates

Loading Plates 

Plates Loaded - Go For It

We should probably mention the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday.  The mission was asked if we could help the Casper Salvation Army serve a Thanksgiving meal to the less fortunate of Casper.  Six couples went, including us. It was a great way to serve and we managed to get some shopping done, a deposit for the mission, and a doctors appointment for Sister Smart.

Cleaning the Hall Prior to Dinner

Getting Ready to Serve It Up

Dinner in Full Force

This week also brought about our thinking a little about Christmas.  Although we're missing family and friends again, we are still trying to get in the mood.  The homestead has Christmas all over.  We found an extra tree and put it up in our apartment.

Putting Up Tree

We still are faced with dealing with little creatures around here.  We've probably caught around six mice in our apartment.  Maybe we're learning how to do it better.😁

Two at One Time

Every once in a while, we still take a little outing.  This was the case on Friday evening.  Our excursion was to Whiskey Gap.  We got off to a good start, but never actually got there.  We decided to get out of the truck and do a little exploring.  When we got out, the driver accidently locked the keys in the truck.  He hiked to the top of a nearby ridge and was able to reach someone at the homestead who brought a second set of keys.  We later learned that we were still some distance from Whiskey Gap.😆😆

Excursion to Whiskey Gap

While Sister Smart is devoted to Hallmark Christmas movies, Elder Smart looks forward to his BYU games.  Yes, football was a disappointment, but there is still hope for basketball.  Elder Smart tries hard to watch all the games.  Thanks to Kathie and Matt he even got to watch the BYU - Hawaii game via the internet and sling box.

BYU Game on Computer
Saturday, Sister Smart took off to Casper with Sister Crist. They both got their hair cuts and spent time shopping without their husbands looking bored and wondering how much longer they had to wait.  They spent most of the day going from one store to another.  Great girl's day out!

This is about enough excitement for the week.  Guess we better end this before we wear out our welcome.

We still love the missionary work.  We have also enjoyed helping some of our fellow missionaries with their family history.  We know this is the Lord's work and are excited to be part of it.  Until next time please accept our love and heartfelt gratitude for your support.

Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Annie & Paul, Sister & Elder Smart

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