Sunday, June 24, 2018

Week 60 Beautiful Place

Our week was busy but nothing different than we have done before, except every experience, even though we have done it before, is still unique and interesting and inspiring.  We worked in the office 3 days, where we answered the phone and messages, made camping reservations, answered emails, balanced and reconciled all mission and ward expenses, worked on the newsletter and mission history, created the Sunday program, Sister Smart prepared for Primary and Elder Smart prepared for Sunday school class,and cataloged the library books, etc etc.  We also worked at the Welcome post and worked at the outfitting where we helped the trekkers get set up with handcarts, and shared stories with them, and  cleaned the bathrooms.  Not a dull moment around here.

On Monday we did have a unique experience.  For those of you that have visited here you will remember that this place was homesteaded by Tom Sun in 1872.
The Sun Family owned and built up this ranch until 1996 when the Church bought it.  On Monday the Sun Family had a family reunion at the homestead.  Elder and Sister Smart were asked by President Pace to meet with the Sun family and share with them and open buildings for them.  Their memories and stories about this place were really interesting.

At FHE Monday, we found where the Church cows are grazing this month.  It was hard to even drive the 1 mile dirt road into Missionary Village (where we lived last summer) because of cows and more cows and  many calves.  Those living there this summer share how loud the cows are and how hard it is to sleep in the early morning hours.  We put up with the cows during the winter.

This cow has got the scariest face.

Cows on Pasture near Missionary Village

There is so much beauty here.  We would like to share some pictures of this beauty.




Martin's Cove in the background

Cactus Flowers

In Front in Visitors' Center with Devil's Gate in the Background

Flowers at Visitors' Center with Martin's Cabin in Background

Levi Our Cowboy Intern from BYU Idaho

Our testimonies of the reality of Christ in our lives is growing all the time.  He loves everyone of us and wants to help us through our trials.  He respects our free agency and because of this we need to ask for his help.  I think this is the same for our ancestors that are watching and wanting to help, but they are waiting for the invitation, as well.  The importance of asking has been impressed deeply upon our minds.  We love serving here, even if Elder Smart uses a walking stick to get around now.  We are blessed and send our love.

Happy Birthday today to Simon.

Elder and Sister Smart, Mom and Dad, Paul and Annie, Grandma and Grandpa Smart

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Week 59 - A Lot of the Same Stuff, But a Very Fast Week

This week really went by fast.  It was filled with much of the same stuff that we usually do -- office work, visitors' center, etc.  We had a couple of early mornings where we were assigned to the Welcome Post at 7:00 am and Handcart Parking at 8:00 am. 

We made a quick trip to Casper to make a bank deposit, mostly from money from our campground reservations. 

On Saturday, we were on our way home for lunch when we noticed an unwanted visitor at our Visitors' Center.  We obviously had to deal with it.  Caught it and released it near the river so it could continue to eat our mouse population.

Great Snake Catcher

Earlier this week, Sister Smart was walking home and ran across another friend.

Friend or Foe

Nevertheless this place is full of beautiful sites.

Elder Smart grew up with a love of lilacs.  Seems his mother always had a love for them.  Seems almost ironic that this place would have some beautiful lilac bushes.

Martin's Cove Lilac Bushes

We don't just run into snakes around here.

Bunnies All Over

Butterflies (bottom right)

Time goes by so fast.  We're looking forward to another busy week.  We have so many special experiences and we get to meet so many special people.  The gospel is true and we are proud to represent all of you here on our mission.

Love to all of you and Happy Father's Day to all of our family and friends!

Sister & Elder Smart, Grandma & Grandpa, Mom & Dad, Annie & Paul

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Trekking and Outfitting Again #58

We are feeling the stress of the busy season upon us.

We had the opportunity to take a school group around the homestead again this week.  Sister Smart took a group around while Elder Smart was stationed at Fort Seminoe to share the stories about the Fort.

Elder Smart Showing the Fort

Elder Smart Teaching about the
20 Men That Stayed Behind

Sister Smart hosted a trek of a small family from Tooele.  One of the sons in the family was in CJ's school class this year.  It was fun to host a small family instead of a huge youth group.  She still had to hike all 7 miles with them, but it was fun getting to know this cute family.  Sister Smart walked through the Sweet Water River with this family.  The water was up to her mid thigh.  We should have pictures of this for next weeks blog.   Elder Smart was asked to fill in and do the outfitting. 

Elder Smart Teaching Outside the Fort
to Sister Smart's Trek Group

Trekkers with Sister Smart

The Scown Family From Tooele

This week, we had an Oregon Trail Re-enactment Group stop at Martin's Cove for a little rest.

Oregon Trail Re-enactment

More Reenactment Wagons

We headed to Casper this week to see a Dermatologist.  It was time for another burn off for Elder Smart.  He also had a biopsy taken from a spot on his right ear.  We are waiting for the results.

Burn Marks on Arm and Hand!

We are blessed to be serving here. Know this, we miss family a ton, but we know we are doing what we are supposed to be doing and we and our family are being blessed.  We have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and His love for us all.

Love you all,

Grandpa and Grandma Smart, Dad and Mom, Paul and Annie, Elder and Sister Smart

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Week 57 -- Lots of Action & First Treks of the Season

So much has happened this week that its hard to know here to start.  However we'll just shoot from the hip and move ahead.  First well show how good Sister Smart has refined her skills!😅

Lookin' Good Sister Smart

As we continue to develop our skills, some of the Sisters shy away from some duties.  In fact not all of the Elders like this one.  Our Grandson, Carter happened to be in the right place at the right time and caught Elder Bowden showing one of his skills.  This one isn't a rattlesnake, but they're starting to show up.

Only a Blow Snake, But Still a Snake!

Sometimes we get smaller critters.  Most apartments only catch a few mice.  We're privileged to have more than our fair share.  We have a system worked out where Sister Smart bates and sets the traps (our mice particularly enjoy peanut butter).  Elder Smart gets to dispose of the remains.  One day we caught three of them.

Number 30!

Monday nights are still family home evenings.  We play games, have entertainment, watch videos, or do activities to help us be better prepared to tell pioneer stories.  Last Monday we had a missionary couple that shared their talents.  She sang western songs and he recited cowboy poetry.  It was a very nice evening.

Elder & Sister Criddle Performing

One of our assignments this past week was to be at Handcart Parking where we were to meet and greet groups and see that they parked their handcarts in an orderly fashion.  We also were to pump water from the nearby well where the group could refill their water containers.

Can You Find Elder Smart? (Holding Green Flag, Just a Little Right of Center)

This is a pretty time of year here in the mission.  We thought some of you might enjoy our Lilacs just outside the mission office where the two of us often work.

When the day is finished, the two of us are generally ready for a meal and a little peace before going to bed.

Sister Smart Unwinds after a Busy Day

Before quitting, we wanted to show this picture and share a little about one of our favorite pioneer characters.  His name is Ephriam Hanks.  A DVD was made about him called "Ephriam's Rescue."  The real reasons that we feel so strongly about him are several.  One is his devotion to the Lord.  This guy had been back and forth across the plains over 80 times.  He was tough!  And, yet, he was humble enough to pray about everything. 

He was obedient to the utmost limit.  When the Lord warned him that his help was needed, he responded that he would go if he was called.  Three times in one evening he experienced this warning/experience.  Two days later he was face with request from Church leaders to go to the rescue of stranded handcart pioneers.  While potential rescuers said they could go in the future, Ephraim Hanks stood and said he was ready now.  He headed out on Monday and a few days later discovered the Martin Handcart Company.  We can only imagine the hope he brought to these suffering people.  What a faithful man!

There is a lot more to be said about him, but this will do for now.

Ephraim Hanks to the Rescue

Well, enough for now.  We love our mission.  We are grateful for people like Ephraim Hanks and others that have given so much that we might have the blessings we do today.  We consider all of our friends and families blessings to us as well.

Thank you all as you pray for us.  Thanks for your calls and pictures.  Thanks for your love.

We extend our love to all of you,

Elder & Sister Smart, grandma & grandpa, mom & dad, Annie and Paul